For some people, the idea of a minimalistic lifestyle conjures up images of a tiny empty room with bare white walls and no furniture. For others, the thought of minimalist living seems too dull even to consider. But these thoughts and feelings represent a misunderstanding of the minimalist philosophy. The basic tenet of minimalism is to surround yourself with only things that bring value to your life. With fewer but more manful possessions comes greater happiness. It is possible to work towards a life of minimalism without feeling your life is entirely void. Below are three suggestions on how to start living a more minimalist life.
Start Small
First and foremost, start small. Don’t empty your house in one day and force yourself to believe you’re happy. Start with an overall decluttering of your home. If that seems too drastic, choose one room to declutter at a time. That does not need to be a massive purge of all of your belongings. Merely clear off flat surfaces, remove piles of stuff and put things away like vacuum cleaners, toys or toiletries. Once you finish one area of your home, move on to another. Work towards your goal with baby steps, not giant leaps.
Create New Habits
Clutter and mess are habits. To break any pattern, you need to replace the old behavior with a new one. To do this, find ways to incorporate cleaning into your regular daily routine. When you get ready in the morning, put away shaving cream or makeup right away after you use it. If you like to watch TV, then put something away during commercials. Find ways to work small moments of cleaning into activities you are already doing. Over time cleaning and organizing will be a regular part of your day.
Enjoy the Process
Minimalism is a process. Take your time reducing your belongs and enjoy the journey. It’s okay to go through boxes of old photos and reminisce. Fond memories bring joy to your life. In fact, the memories and the feelings objects illicit can be a useful guide. Only keep things that bring you a sense of happiness when you see or touch them. As you move through the process, be aware of your state of mind. If cleaning your home and throwing away old stuff begins to cause stress, then slow down. There is no deadline. The only goal is to keep moving closer towards a minimalist lifestyle.
Minimalism has many benefits. It reduces the amount of time you spend on the upkeep of your home. You may also find you spend less money when embracing the minimalist lifestyle. In addition to the practical advantages, minimalism brings with it a psychological reward as well. Reducing the physical clutter in your life helps to reduce mental confusion and stress. Remember, minimalism is not achievable in one day or even one week. Follow the tips above and begin the process to see how minimalism can create positive changes in your life. It did mine. A work in progress, but a giant sense of peace is in my life now that was never there before.
Enjoy the journey.